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同行评议法在地方科技成果评价中存在的问题及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同行评议法是目前进行地方科技成果评价应用最普遍的方法,然而由于该方法体系不完善、评价方法不规范等问题,严重影响了评价工作的客观性与公正性。本文以地方科技成果评价中采用同行评议法为研究内容,分析其在评价过程中所暴露出的主要问题,并提出相关的改进措施,使同行评议法更加完善规范,能够客观、真实、准确地反映出所评价的成果的真实情况。  相似文献   
基于价值效应的相关理论,结合健美操明星的社会属性,深入探讨健美操明星的价值效应,其价值效应主要体现在四个方面,即注意力经济效应、晕轮效应、契合度优势效应、首因和近因效应。在此研究基础上,根据当前明星价值市场开发的运行规律,提出了我国健美操明星价值效应开发的设想,第一,构架企业与健美操明星桥梁,促成注意力经济效应链产生;第二,充分挖掘健美操明星的晕轮效应,扩大其社会影响力;第三,规范健美操明星管理市场,有效带动健美操明星契合度优势效应;第四,充分发挥健美操明星的首因和近因效应,树立良好的社会形象。  相似文献   
基于企业层面,在战略管理层面关注非市场环境中的企业社会责任等相关的非市场战略形态,在诸如政府管制严厉的非市场环境中,通过水污染博弈利害主体之间的分析,在政府只是制定标准而不直接介入的情况下,提出运用动态博弈树,分析策略性企业社会责任CSR与非市场战略,提出企业运用非市场战略行为进行企业社会定位和环境保护投资,而不仅仅是单纯在道德层面通过提升企业竞争力和差异化企业产品优势来提升企业的社会形象。  相似文献   
同伴互助听课是建立在听课基础上的又不等同于传统听课的活动,它是以教师专业发展为目的的听课。对教师专业发展具有重要的促进作用。在教师专业发展视野下的同伴互助听课的实施应从听课的计划与准备、课堂听课、信息反馈及重构教学理念四个基本环节出发,实现教师之间的合作与经验的共享,加强反思来创新教育理念,精练教学技能,促进专业成长,提高教学水平。  相似文献   
在大学英语自主教学中笔者尝试基于网络环境的英语写作实验,该实验以全新版大学英语教程为平台,综合利用读写结合、过程式写作和互评等方法来提高学生英语写作能力。实验结果表明:这种写作模式可以作为自主学习的一项主要内容。同时文章也对网络环境下英语自主写作的完善提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
This article presents some simple strategies that instructors can use to improve the quality of the feedback students provide each other during a peer review activity. Briefly, I recommend that emphasis be placed solely on the provision of constructive comments, and that in order to qualify as constructive, a comment must: (1) identify a specific problem, (2) explain why it is a problem, and (3) provide a concrete solution for the problem.  相似文献   
In this article we analyze 102 case studies of Internet or social media-enabled participatory projects, technologies, platforms and companies in operation between roughly 2005–2015. We assign each case a “signature” representing the degree of presence/absence of seven dimensions of participation and then cluster these signatures to look for patterns of the most common ways of “doing participation” today. Two main clusters become apparent: 1) a “radical-direct” mode that emphasizes direct individual autonomy and influence, commitment to having a voice and setting goals, and individual or collective control over resources thereby produced; and 2) an “experiential-affective” mode that emphasizes the experience of being or becoming part of a collective, and the affective, communicational, and educational features of that experience.  相似文献   
【目的】 探索智能集体评审的流程、特征及对我国同行评审的启示。【方法】 介绍智能集体评审实验,概括智能集体评审的特征,分析其对我国学术期刊同行评审的启示。【结果】 智能集体评审是一种限时的在线开放同行评审,采取专家匿名评审方式。评审过程中,评审人之间可进行学术交流。评审意见快速而全面,有利于提高论文的学术质量,是一种可行的同行评审方式。【结论】 作为一种全新的同行评审方式,智能集体评审全面推行尚需时日,但其给当前同行评审以重要启示:一是加快信息技术的应用;二是为评审专家提供交流机会。  相似文献   
【目的】 进一步推动科技期刊开放性同行评议的研究、变革与实践。【方法】 将开放性同行评议与传统的封闭式同行评议进行比较,对开放性同行评议的优势进行论述。【结果】 开放性同行评议的评议过程具有透明性、公开性、公平性和公正性的特点;使同行评议系统的层次性质平坦化;提高期刊内容的传播速度;为评议人员赢得声誉与尊重;进一步提高稿源质量和期刊质量;有助于科技期刊吸引更多的开创性、冒险性的作者;创造自由讨论的公共学术研究环境。【结论】 开放性同行评议给作者、评审人员、科技期刊、读者和学术界都带来大量的利益,科技期刊应该更新办刊理念,尝试探索开放性同行评议。  相似文献   
In England teachers of secondary school mathematics and science are in short supply and it is important to understand how pre-service teachers develop and maintain networks of support during their training year and the impact these networks can have on their training outcomes. The purpose of this study is to examine how changes to the size and composition of these support networks during the training year are associated with programme outcomes. The paper draws on social network theory to examine the nature of the support networks that develop around each pre-service teacher, and examines how supportive ties were initiated, maintained, and broken over the course of the training year. A survey design was utilised to collect data at four time points across the 2014–2015 academic year from a total cohort of more than 75 pre-service teachers. At all four time points, participants were asked to nominate those peers and others to whom they had turned during the previous month for different aspects of support. Results showed that the size and composition of support networks changed over time with significant differences in the development of the networks between pre-service teachers on school-led and university-led programmes.  相似文献   
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